**Lettuce breakup, please** (A supermar...

101 Breakups


See more scenes from Jason Pizzarello


Lettuce breakup, please

(A supermarket. A GUY is looking at the lettuce stand. A GIRL sees him, studies him, gets closer.)

GIRL: In the market for some lettuce?

(The GUY looks up, confused.)

GUY: Uh yeah, I guess. Do you work here?

GIRL: What? Guy, it’s me. Girl. Random girl you dated that you don’t even remember because you totally forgot to break up with her and now think she works in a supermarket.

GUY: Oh hi.

GIRL: Yeah, hi.

GUY: So you don’t work here.


GUY: You have like the same color shirt.

GIRL: (Realizing this is actually true:) Oh. Well I don’t have a name tag or an apron thingy and no, I don’t work in a supermarket which you would know if you broke up with me.

GUY: Why would I know that if I broke up with you?

GIRL: I don’t know! Maybe we kept in touch!

GUY: Why?


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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