LEADER But with me pity sits in anger's...


Cassandra Argive Elders

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LEADER But with me pity sits in anger's place.

Poor maiden, come thou from the car; no way

There is but this-take up thy servitude.

CASSANDRA (chanting) Woe, woe, alas! Earth, Mother Earth! and thou

Apollo, Apollo!

LEADER Peace! shriek not to the bright prophetic god,

Who will not brook the suppliance of woe.

CASSANDRA (chanting) Woe, woe, alas! Earth, Mother Earth! and thou

Apollo, Apollo!

LEADER Hark, with wild curse she calls anew on him,

Who stands far off and loathes the voice of wail.

CASSANDRA (chanting) Apollo, Apollo!

God of all ways, but only Death's to me,

Once and again, O thou, Destroyer named,

Thou hast destroyed me, thou, my love of old!

LEADER She grows presageful of her woes to come,

Slave tho' she be, instinct with prophecy.

CASSANDRA (chanting)


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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