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INFORMER What are these birds with...
Pithetaerus An Informer
The Birds
Doggrass: Tut! If you are inclined to...
Doggrass Gnatbrain
Black-Ey'd Susan
Doggrass: Now, Jacob, how fares Captain ...
Doggrass Jacob Twig
MUSIC MASTER: (To Musicians) Come, come ...
Text Video
The Music Master The Dancing Master
The Bourgeois Gentleman
JAMES - Philip down yet? EMILY - He's...
JAMES - Philip down yet?
EMILY - He's...
Uncle James Aunt Emily
The Boy Comes Home
MARCHBANKS (breaking off in his...
Candida Morell Eugene Marchbanks
LEXY. What a good man! What a thorough, ...
Proserpine Garnett Reverend Alexander (Lexy) Mill
ENTER Lady Easy Sir Char. My dear, how...
ENTER Lady Easy
Sir Char. My dear, how...
Sir Charles Easy Lady Easy
The Careless Husband
ENTER Sir Charles Easy. Sir Char. So!...
ENTER Sir Charles Easy.
Sir Char. So!...
Sir Charles Easy Mrs Edging
(As curtain rises slowly on empty stage ...
Hon. George D'Alroy Captain Hawtree
Pol. (singing as curtain rises)....
Polly Eccles Sam Gerridge
DEFLORES I've a token for you....
DEFLORES I've a token for you.
Beatrice De Flores
The Changeling
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