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A-Wop Bop A-Loo Bop
high schooler teen male ensemble rock and roll musician greaser
high schooler teen female ensemble rock and roll roller skater waitress
The Addams Family
brother son adolescent mischievous smart lonely eerie macabre off-beat cartoonish
The Addams Family: Young@Part
mother wife matriarch host hostess passionate beautiful loving dramatic ageing off-beat morbid macabre cartoonish
daughter sister teenager adolescent morbid determined impulsive smart eerie macabre off-beat cartoonish
mother wife ohioan neglected fed up housewife sweet normal respectable maternal demure conservative deferential kind patient burned corny cheery unhappy
traditional ensemble dancers character actor character actors eerie morbid ancestor dead wise bickering
father husband brother patriarch host understanding loving passionate traditional off-beat macabre morbid cartoonish
brother uncle narrator banjo ukulele awkward quirky sweet character actor eerie off-beat cartoonish
son boyfriend teenager adolescent ohioan earnest reasonable rational measured practical boy-next-door lover loving ambitious poet
father husband ohioan normal respectable business owner stolid close-minded conservative stoic repressed dreamer passionless
brother son adolescent mischevious smart lonely eerie macabre off-beat cartoonish
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