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Le Cid
public domain french language grand opera spain spanish history 11th century romantic opera romance drama moor enemy messenger envoy lyric bass-baritone lyric baritone character baritone
public domain french language grand opera spain spanish history 11th century romantic opera romance drama honor guilt duty pride saint mythological figure historical figure religious religious icon icon spirit ghost apparition lyric baritone dramatic baritone
public domain french language grand opera spain spanish history 11th century romantic opera romance drama honor guilt duty duel hero pride social status status aristocracy warrior military soldiers servants staff household staff lords ladies
Le Comte Ory
french language public domain bel canto crusades france disguise intrigue farce comedy friend loyal companion mischief mischievous knight opera comique opera buffa lyric coloratura baritone lyric baritone coloratura aristocrat
french language public domain bel canto crusades france farce comedy deceit mischief deception disguise peasants aristocrats knights ladies servants opera comique opera buffa
french language public domain bel canto crusades france farce comedy deceit mischief disguise peasants knights soldiers drinking drinking song fun party opera comique opera buffa
The Consul
leader rebel political fleeing refugee danger family caring husband father son
friend glass secret. hidden messager
Les contes d'Hoffmann
chorus students party guests opera fans dancers townspeople ensemble
The Cunning Little Vixen
czech language fable fairy tale animals circle of life love loss public domain lyric baritone dramatic baritone husband father
czech language fable fairy tale animals circle of life love loss public domain
Curlew River
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