The Phantom of the Opera


Writers: Richard Stilgoe Andrew Lloyd Webber Charles Hart


isabella dibernardino

Los Angeles, California

  • Meg Giry at Pope John Players (2019)

Stephanie Tschoeppe

Hamburg, Hamburg

  • Madame Giry at Music Hall (1999)

Leandro Cavalcante

São Paulo, SP

  • Ubaldo Piangi (US) at Time 4 Fun

Emma Holzmann

Fond du Lac, Wisconsin

  • Meg Giry at St. Mary's Springs Academy High School (2017)

Dalton John

Phoenix, AZ

  • Phantom/Erik at Dodge city high school (2016)

Kaley Ellis

Marion, North Carolina

  • Meg Giry at Blue Ridge Theatre (2018)

Eboni Lockhart

Lakeland, Florida

  • Ensemble at Kathleen Senior High School (2011)

Luca Farrall

Stoke, England

  • Ensemble/Guard Captain at Centre Stage YTC (2017)

Marlise Ahuna

Hilo, Hawaii

  • Madame Giry at Paliku Theater (2011)

James Mitchell

Dundas, NSW

Michele Phillips

Carrollton, Missouri

  • Director at Carrollton High School (2015)

Piper Perry

Aurora, Illinois

Jonathan Mark Rogers

Ashburn, Virginia

Ren S

Wasilla, Alaska

  • Madame Giry at Colony Middle School Drama (2019)

Emma Spagnola

Wilmington, North Carolina

  • Opera Ensemble at Holly Springs High School (2017)

The Phantom of the Opera guide sections