Cedric: If we can be serious for a momen...

The 1984 Dalmar Biker War

Cedric Bottomly Sheriff Shirley Mulroney

See more scenes from Chris McKerracher


Cedric: If we can be serious for a moment, Sheriff, I do have something important to discuss.

Shirley: I’m on it like a cheap suit on a lawyer, Chief.

Cedric: I beg your pardon? What did you say you were on?

Shirley: I said I am all over it. Whatever it is you want.

Cedric: Oh, I see. I see. One of those quaint expressions you people seem to favour. I like that one. Let me jot that one down. (makes a note in the small notepad ).

Shirley: Help yourself, Chief. I got a million of them. So what did you want me to do?

Cedric: Well you see, I’ve been going over the encounter versus citation figures that have been submitted and it seems that you do issue a great deal of warnings and very few tickets. You realize, of course, that we don’t make any money off of warnings, whereas the ticket


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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