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START: Plum: I say we eat it while it’s ...
Miss Scarlet Colonel Mustard Mrs. Peacock Professor Plum Mrs. White Mr. Green
Clue: On Stage
START: Green: Well, where is our host?...
START: Green: Well, where is our host?
Wadsworth Miss Scarlet Colonel Mustard Mrs. Peacock Professor Plum Mrs. White Mr. Green Man
START: Kynaston: Damn! Betterton: What? ...
Edward Kynaston Thomas Betterton Samuel Pepys Villars
Compleat Female Stage Beauty
START: Leo (as they reach the bottom of ...
Otto Sylvus Leo Mercure Ernest Friedman
Design for Living
START: BEN: You haven’t been to work in ...
Ned Weeks Alexander Weeks Benjamin Weeks
The Destiny of Me
JEAN: Well, that's that. (Picks up...
Archie Rice Billy Rice Jean Rice Phoebe Rice Frank Rice
The Entertainer
START: DIARMAID. We got the first bus...
James Joseph (JJ) Carney Michael Carney Shane Corcoran Diarmaid Carney Declan Carney
The Ferryman
START: Jessep: Danny, this was no Code...
Lt. j.g. Sam Weinberg Lt. J.g. Daniel A. Kaffee Lt. Cmdr. Joanne Galloway Lt. Col. Nathan Jessep Lt. Jonathan James Kendrick
A Few Good Men
START: Kaffee: I’m asking your opinion, ...
Lt. J.g. Daniel A. Kaffee Lt. Col. Nathan Jessep Lt. Jack Ross Capt. Julius Alexander Randolph
START: Ross: Do you know there are...
Martin Stevie Billy Ross
The Goat or, Who is Sylvia?
START: Inspector: When did you meet her ...
Mr. Arthur Birling Eric Birling Inspector Goole
An Inspector Calls
Start: Chris: You can’t have my sister, ...
Chris Smith Sharla Smith Ansel Smith Dottie Smith Killer Joe Cooper
Killer Joe
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