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WALTER (O.S.) How is he? Adele turns...
WALTER (O.S.) How is he?
Adele turns...
Marie Vita Adele Mason Walter Vita
Farewell, Mr. Vita
ADELE I don’t want you to go through...
Marie Vita Adele Mason
(Marie walks up to the door leading to...
Marie Vita Adele Mason Frank Derby
BOB What kind of adventure did you...
Lee Bob Betty Trevor Dixie Venko
Farmer Lee and the Aliens
The scene is a candle-lit living room...
Text Video
William Sawyer Anne Sawyer Mr. Hammer Mrs. Hammer Mr. Westinghouse Thomas Edison
First Light
ISILLIA: Ah Madam, Alcippus. ERMINIA:...
ISILLIA: Ah Madam, Alcippus.
Phillander Alcippus Erminia Isillia
The Forc’d Marriage; or, the Jealous Bridegroom
RHODA scans LIZ’s ticket. It is...
Tom Liz Ted Todd Rhoda
Free T-Shirt, Size Large
LEXY What's that light? AMY That's the...
What's that light?
That's the...
Lexy Amy
The Ghost in the Light
Giuseppe. And now our lives are going...
Don Alhambra del Bolero Marco Palmieri Giuseppe Palmieri Gianetta Tessa
The Gondoliers
Duke. (to his attendants) Be good...
The Duke of Plaza-Toro The Duchess of Plaza-Toro Casilda
The door slowly opens. ELIZABETH, 17,...
Jessica Elizabeth
Good Enough
DIVONNE Anna, I’m so fed up with this...
Anna, I’m so fed up with this...
Divonne Bruder Anna Kearns
The Green Room
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